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Today is: 02/09/2025
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An angel investor (also known as a private investor, seed investor or angel funder) is a high-net-worth individual who provides financial backing for small startups or entrepreneurs, typically in exchange for ownership equity in the company. Often, angel investors are found among an entrepreneur’s family and friends.

Seed funding is the first official equity funding stage. It typically represents the first official money that a business venture or enterprise raises.

Series A financing refers to an investment in a privately-held, start-up company after it has shown progress in building its business model and demonstrates the potential to grow and generate revenue.

Series B financing is the second round of funding for a business through investment, including private equity investors and venture capitalists. The Series B round generally takes place when the company has accomplished certain milestones in developing its business and is past the initial startup stage.

Businesses that make it to Series C funding sessions are already quite successful. These companies look for additional funding in order to help them develop new products, expand into new markets, or even to acquire other companies. In Series C rounds, investors inject capital into the meat of successful businesses, in an effort to receive more than double that amount back. Series C funding is focused on scaling the company, growing as quickly and as successfully as possible.

Customers & Industries

The list below is the customers shown on the Ripple website, there are many other customers not listed. BullishDips is working on gathering and growing this list as it becomes available. The list is in alphabetical order. BullishDips will work on gathering data on each customer so that you get a holistic view of potential growth. Customers refers to the businesses that use Ripple’s products in their organization. It is important to note that some customers may not utilize XRP, the data below represents the aggregate customer usage.

  • Total number of Banks and Financial Institutions:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Blockchain:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of DeFi:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Finance:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Micropayments:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Remittances:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Smart Contracts:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Stock Hedge Funds:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Energy Power:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Information Data:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Natural Gas & Oil:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Telecommunications:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Agriculture:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Commodities:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Administration Private:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Administration Public:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Utilities:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Waste Services:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Construction:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Logistics:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Manufacturing:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Retail Trade:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Wholesale Trade:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Education:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Healthcare:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Professional Services:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Real Estate:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Wills & Inheritances:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Food:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Hotel (Room & Board):

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.

  • Total number of Visual Arts:

    Below is public data gathered on web from across the globe. This data may not reflect the total number stated at the time you view this content. Data is always changing and BullishDips does its best to stay afloat on current news, statistics and analysis.


Vested Countries

List of countries where the digital asset is openly conducting business in or has a vested interest.

[B&F] Estimated Number of Banks and Financial Institutions in the designated country.
[CBDC] Central Bank Digital Currency, uses an electronic record or digital token to represent the virtual form of a fiat currency of a particular nation (or region). A CBDC is centralized; it is issued and regulated by the competent monetary authority of the country.
[IMF] International Monetary Fund is an international financial institution, headquartered in Washington, D.C., consisting of 190 countries working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world while periodically depending on the World Bank for its resources.
[UN] United Nations, headquartered in New York, is an international organization of 193 member-states.
# Country # of Banks & Financial Institutions ➀ Central Bank
(If Applicable)
CBDC Status➁ IMF Member ➂ UN Member ➃