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Contact BullishDips

BullishDips was created on the belief that market cap alone or other signals don't represent a coins true value. BullishDips believes that a coins true worth is comprised of company strength, community involvement, partnerships, customers, governmental projects and use-cases.

BullishDips has created a platform that is actively seeking this data across all digital asset projects and is always in a state of developement. The mission is to provide a complete holistic view of digital assets involvement around the world in all industries, countries, exchanges, DeFi, CBDC's and future markets yet to be discovered.

To that end, BullishDips invites you to discover new and upcoming assets with strong bullish signals that mean longevity, endurance and acceptance in this newly created asset class.

Our motto "Buy the dips." is not financial advice but a state of mind to always look for grand opportunities and share them amongst your peers and spur growth.

BullishDips absolutely hates spam, scam offers, etc - to that end, BullishDips only accepts DM's via our social channels.

To contact BullishDips, use the email provided below or use any one of our social channels and send a direct message.